To cheat or not to cheat…..a

Sorry I’ve been lax on my blog posts; my computer went nutty for a few days.  She’s back and ready to go…So am I!!

This week has been a little rough.  It’s been hot outside, I’m irritable and work sucked.  Thankfully its the weekend!!  Still hot but at least its hot on the weekend.  🙂

When I’m stressed I love to eat!!  Unfortunately I love to comfort foods and I haven’t found a comfort food yet that is calorie free.  So I faced the question should I just eat that bowl of mashed potatoes, or maybe I should eat some greasy fries, or a dozen of KK doughnuts (the hot sign is shining)… BUT I am proud to tell you that I stayed mostly clear of eating my stress this week.  I didn’t have a perfect eating week but I made much healthier decisions that I would have a few months ago.

Stay tuned in the next few posts as I talk about “Facing the Giant”

Have a great weekend!!







The beginning

Happy Friday and Welcome to my new blog!

As many of you know I have on a journey to improve ME!  Since January I have lost 40lbs  and experienced an amazing personal and spiritual growth. Currently I am at plateau and its so hard not to give up and go back to “old” me but after much prayer I  feel led to  journal my experience so I decided to share it with you.   Hopefully I can give someone some encouragement as I share my experience and in turn I hope this helps me with accountabilty.

This blog will include fitness goals, spiritual goals, raw emotions, and probably a little randomness along the way.

I hope you decide to join me in my new endeavors (this blog thing is a whole new world for me)

